Her stomach growls again as she pulls the low rolling office chair closer to the desk. She centers her fingers over the keyboard and proceeds into a frenzy of blurred typing. It growls again and she rolls her eyes. She considers as she rushes through this post, the earlier 'notice' email that was sent to her student account from her college. The library notice was to tell her she now owed $77.50 for an item she could swear to God that she returned. But because she is devout and understands that God discourages swearing, she does not swear. She knows that she no longer has this item. She know it in her heart of hearts which beats like an echo reverberating through the cavern of her empty stomach. So empty.
She continues on in her thoughts to an assignment that was given to her as part of her Workstudy postition as a secreterial aid. She is to forward an important email to unreached program participants. Which does entail typing each of the 50 names into the 'To' box and CC. Nerve racking indeed, one can agree. Her stomach rumbles deep in her abdomen threatening to wrench itself free and take it's care into it's own hands... so to speak.
"What beast was't then?!" she remembers that she must continue to work on her monologue along with the new scene which was assigned to her from Colin [her acting 2 teacher]. She tries to recall the first line of Queen Elizabeth in the scene from Richard the III. Her partner is cool. Nice. But she still cannot overcome the unbearable fact that
She decides to move on. With the post. For her sanity's sake.
Clairvoyant One
As I was sewing
in the room a dreadful
feeling crept in
behind me like a
shadow over my
sunlit face
A dreadrul feeling
I dare say a spirit
Fear blossoming in
my mindat the thought
of company so
I adjusted my
feet beneath my skirts
That just as needed
I may spring forth from
this place
In soft murmurs
my suspicion was sustained
Suddenly mine eyes
An appiration
did see before me
Like some wavering
form of smoke
in white not grey
And just as quick
dissipates into an
image of the mind
My breath catching and
my heart slowing
I return to the sewing
My first moment of
precognition having
I don't really have an inspiration for this one. I suppose it just developed this foresight theme as I wrote it. I don't know what got into me. Or should I say "I didn't know what would get into me..." Haha.
In closing, I am starting to feel my stomach feat on itself. This is a horrible feeling. It's terrible. I pray to God that I get to eat soon. Or I will fade away. Into shade. In the future. I will go chill with friends and take a break from all this academic nonsense.
Zai Jian
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Exhausted and Spent
I do apologize for not publishing a post on yesterday. I was very busy studying for that Astronomy Test I told you about. But, yes. Enough of the past.
I am really tired today. I woke up tired... and now I'm even more tired. On the way to the dance studio this morning, I almost missed my stop because I was dozing off every five seconds. Exhausted, I tell you. And now I have to finish up the last bits of revision for this paper that's due tommorow. I want it to be perfect. I want that 'A' ! I want it so bad I can taste it. Tastes like apple...
Also, I am discontinuing my i.e. I eat blog, because it turns out that you are going to need a spy cam to catch everything that goes into my stomach. Not that I've been eating so much that I can't write it all down, no not that. It's just too time consuming to blog for two different blogs EVERYDAY...
'Pologize if you guys were all into it. Come back here and read! :D
I am happy that I've been saving more money by leaving most of it at home in sectioned envelopes, but I'm not so happy that I didn't bring any cash today to buy a snack. I'm HUNGRY! and I have ZUMBA today so I need my energy!
Determination is a worn paper
yellowing on the polished desk
A shabby pen by the stacks
and the will to silently confess
An ink stained thumb
and gnawed index finger
Some small eraser bits and
the will to linger
A fine eye to see the strokes
and a well sharp'd lead
And the patience to go on
when your mind has been left for dead
This poem branched from my overall feelings towards this paper that is due to Dr.K tommrow. I am going to get this done right! No matter what condition my brain is in!
In closing, I really do think [know] that I am going to win Homecoming Queen this year. I am so excited. In the future, there will be a TIARA! WHOOO! ;D
Zai Jian
I do apologize for not publishing a post on yesterday. I was very busy studying for that Astronomy Test I told you about. But, yes. Enough of the past.
I am really tired today. I woke up tired... and now I'm even more tired. On the way to the dance studio this morning, I almost missed my stop because I was dozing off every five seconds. Exhausted, I tell you. And now I have to finish up the last bits of revision for this paper that's due tommorow. I want it to be perfect. I want that 'A' ! I want it so bad I can taste it. Tastes like apple...
Also, I am discontinuing my i.e. I eat blog, because it turns out that you are going to need a spy cam to catch everything that goes into my stomach. Not that I've been eating so much that I can't write it all down, no not that. It's just too time consuming to blog for two different blogs EVERYDAY...
'Pologize if you guys were all into it. Come back here and read! :D
I am happy that I've been saving more money by leaving most of it at home in sectioned envelopes, but I'm not so happy that I didn't bring any cash today to buy a snack. I'm HUNGRY! and I have ZUMBA today so I need my energy!
![]() |
Let's just pretend that this is a veggie burger. :D |
Determination is a worn paper
yellowing on the polished desk
A shabby pen by the stacks
and the will to silently confess
An ink stained thumb
and gnawed index finger
Some small eraser bits and
the will to linger
A fine eye to see the strokes
and a well sharp'd lead
And the patience to go on
when your mind has been left for dead
This poem branched from my overall feelings towards this paper that is due to Dr.K tommrow. I am going to get this done right! No matter what condition my brain is in!
In closing, I really do think [know] that I am going to win Homecoming Queen this year. I am so excited. In the future, there will be a TIARA! WHOOO! ;D
Zai Jian
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
DANCING QUEEN [homecoming]
I'm so excited. Did I tell you that I'm running for homecoming queen at my school? Well I am! I just told my friend Guled today in Chinese class, and he's geeked. He was like 'OMG. You gotta run with Munir!' He's one of my other friends, who I didnt know was running for king anyhow. But it's all good! Cuz I'm just so excited! I've never run for anything in my life. And this is it folks! I will win this for sure. :D
In other news:
I am happy to say that I am planning my birthday. And my little sister's birthday is today [Bethany 8 yrs old]. She is quite annoying whenever she opens her mouth, but otherwise a nice little doting midget. We're bringing cupcakes to her class as a surprise.
I am doing a little better in my Chinese. I've just got to start making myself study more often and longer. I know I can be an expert before the semester is over. I recorded us today and I'm not surprised as I play it back that there's not alot of 'chinese' speaking going on. A lot of laughing though. Lol.
I really want an A on my World Lit paper this friday. I am really really going to press for it. I am going to refine this paper till perfection. He says that an 'A' paper is one that has style and felicity of wording....
I know right...?
But I'm getting that A. I am.
Orange leaves outside my window
Morning light graze my pillow
Yellowed paper along my wall
Crisp in the chill of fall
And frost lining the pane
having made it's way from down the lane
Bitter breezes beat at the door
And brisk wooden boards line the floor
Such temperature only detectable atop my head
I will never get out of this bed.
I was looking out the window here in the Library, and wishing I was in Michigan to see the fall season there. It's so much more ripe and pretty there in the fall. Here in Georgia, everything is still green. It's always green. Like you're drowning in a green sea. Or a green hot tub...
I used to stay in bed so long just so I wouldn't have to stick my warm foot out of the covers onto the cold floorboards in my room. :D
In conclusion, I love dried bananas. And I am going to get an A on this paper in World Lit. And I'm going to learn Chinese before this semester is over.... God willing.
In the future, I will be this driven to wake up on time.... O.o
Zai Jian!
I'm so excited. Did I tell you that I'm running for homecoming queen at my school? Well I am! I just told my friend Guled today in Chinese class, and he's geeked. He was like 'OMG. You gotta run with Munir!' He's one of my other friends, who I didnt know was running for king anyhow. But it's all good! Cuz I'm just so excited! I've never run for anything in my life. And this is it folks! I will win this for sure. :D
In other news:
I am happy to say that I am planning my birthday. And my little sister's birthday is today [Bethany 8 yrs old]. She is quite annoying whenever she opens her mouth, but otherwise a nice little doting midget. We're bringing cupcakes to her class as a surprise.
I am doing a little better in my Chinese. I've just got to start making myself study more often and longer. I know I can be an expert before the semester is over. I recorded us today and I'm not surprised as I play it back that there's not alot of 'chinese' speaking going on. A lot of laughing though. Lol.
I really want an A on my World Lit paper this friday. I am really really going to press for it. I am going to refine this paper till perfection. He says that an 'A' paper is one that has style and felicity of wording....
I know right...?
But I'm getting that A. I am.
Orange leaves outside my window
Morning light graze my pillow
Yellowed paper along my wall
Crisp in the chill of fall
And frost lining the pane
having made it's way from down the lane
Bitter breezes beat at the door
And brisk wooden boards line the floor
Such temperature only detectable atop my head
I will never get out of this bed.
I was looking out the window here in the Library, and wishing I was in Michigan to see the fall season there. It's so much more ripe and pretty there in the fall. Here in Georgia, everything is still green. It's always green. Like you're drowning in a green sea. Or a green hot tub...
I used to stay in bed so long just so I wouldn't have to stick my warm foot out of the covers onto the cold floorboards in my room. :D
In conclusion, I love dried bananas. And I am going to get an A on this paper in World Lit. And I'm going to learn Chinese before this semester is over.... God willing.
In the future, I will be this driven to wake up on time.... O.o
Zai Jian!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sad Stories: Be Thankful
Oh, yes. There are those sad stories that come into your perfectly normal, emotionally stable days and cause you to burst into tears of pity. While checking my hotmail, I came across one of the 'cover' stories on and it just about put me in that place.
Yep. This place.
A dying man's race against time was almost too much to bear. If you are in public and fear the riducle of your peers as you sob uncontrollably at the beauty and sadness of this article, then you should read it in a private place. I don't want to reiterate it here, so you can read it if you want by clicking the link above. I've gotta stop thinking about it, man, so I won't start boo-hoo-ing again!
Okay. Shake it off.
The thing about sad stories, though, is that they make you grateful for what you have. You end up being thankful that your story is isn't sad... or sadder. I'm glad that right now, at this moment in time, I can say that I have a happy story. And the beauty of that is; I can make it even better. Each day, I get another chance to fix the screw ups and make bigger strides towards my goals. That's all very general and that's only because I don't have time to preach to you....
Which I could do... [musing to herself].
But today I'll spare you. And my fingers.
Or will I....?
Make-shift Love
It fits, it fits she cries
And clinging to her lover
Mine, fair, rejoice
he says lips to her brow
by choice
And lift a finger
And lift a palm
When your heart flies like a dove
into make-shift love
Chase away your mind
Enter the fray blind
As your skin will allow
It flows, O my dear feel the heat
she hints
My heart, O my love tis sweet
he consents
Dig not so deep and when you are hitched
Make no sweep to weep for what could have been
This love is enough
And when it is full, it will be swift
and not
One of my peers in the TRIO program [sitting right beside me lol] had suggested that I listen to a certain song after I remarked on her music selection. I found it riveting. The voice was as she'd said 'heavenly' and I listened to it for the entire second half of the poem. It's called Open Your Eyes and it's by Stream of Passion.
I am now listening to one of my favorite bollywood songs 'Suraj Hua Madham' by Sharukh and Kajol. I love them together!
In the future, I will marry an Indian man! [from India...] :D
Oh, yes. There are those sad stories that come into your perfectly normal, emotionally stable days and cause you to burst into tears of pity. While checking my hotmail, I came across one of the 'cover' stories on and it just about put me in that place.
Yep. This place.
![]() |
"Why did I even read this!?" |
Okay. Shake it off.
The thing about sad stories, though, is that they make you grateful for what you have. You end up being thankful that your story is isn't sad... or sadder. I'm glad that right now, at this moment in time, I can say that I have a happy story. And the beauty of that is; I can make it even better. Each day, I get another chance to fix the screw ups and make bigger strides towards my goals. That's all very general and that's only because I don't have time to preach to you....
Which I could do... [musing to herself].
But today I'll spare you. And my fingers.
Or will I....?
Make-shift Love
It fits, it fits she cries
And clinging to her lover
Mine, fair, rejoice
he says lips to her brow
by choice
And lift a finger
And lift a palm
When your heart flies like a dove
into make-shift love
Chase away your mind
Enter the fray blind
As your skin will allow
It flows, O my dear feel the heat
she hints
My heart, O my love tis sweet
he consents
Dig not so deep and when you are hitched
Make no sweep to weep for what could have been
This love is enough
And when it is full, it will be swift
and not
One of my peers in the TRIO program [sitting right beside me lol] had suggested that I listen to a certain song after I remarked on her music selection. I found it riveting. The voice was as she'd said 'heavenly' and I listened to it for the entire second half of the poem. It's called Open Your Eyes and it's by Stream of Passion.
I am now listening to one of my favorite bollywood songs 'Suraj Hua Madham' by Sharukh and Kajol. I love them together!
Friday, September 23, 2011
NOM NOM NOM [Oedipus]
Good news! I just started that blog I was talking about yesterday. It's called I.E. [I EAT]. I hope you guys like it. If you read here, then just migrate over there and comment or one up a few things. Thanks in advance!
I'm stuffed. I just ate a vegitarian philly cheese steak. Big deal man. Big.
The sky cleared up today. The brooding clouds are gone. Maybe because we outshone them, huh? Frequent readers would get that....
Anywho. It's nice and fluffy out there like a pastel blue moonwalk bouncy house thingy. I'm looking out the window now from the library, stealing glances as I type this with awesome amazing cooltastic speed. [Also as I answer text messages and prep for an online quiz I'm about to do].
Dr.K, my World Lit professor, is cooltastic too. He makes up his own words and I just enjoy his class to the max. Today we talked about Oedipus the King. Poor fellow. That's all I can say. If I get into that, it could become another blog in itself, on literary analysis. Which Dr. K is pretty darn good at if you ask me. And the people who gave him that Phd... so yeah!
Check out Oedipus though. It's a tradgedy, but [if you don't know the backstory] it's also a mystery. One of the oldest mysteries. It's well written and complexly entertaining. Thumbs up.

Who am I Ebert and Roper? Is that who they are... ? You know the movie critics... that how you say they're name? IDK. *shrug*
Blind vs. Blinded
Unfold my predestined hate
And wither the vine that
fed me
Gather the foul scent of late
that scatters tortured
Yearn for my fist and
wash off my hand
This is a moment
to define a land
A movement that stirs
every beast in it's corner
Every saint every sinner
And hidden mourner
When my sight stolen or
from myself I take
with golden brooches
these eyes do I rake
Henceforth in this state
no man can now find
the blinded I am
in my previous
Read Oedipus the King [Rex] and you will understand. No music today. Simply an analytical mind.
In closing, literature is a wonderful thing. And that my friends is an immense understatement and overgeneralization combined. In the future, I will be an author of great works. And you will all be glad to have known me here. No Hubris intended.
Good news! I just started that blog I was talking about yesterday. It's called I.E. [I EAT]. I hope you guys like it. If you read here, then just migrate over there and comment or one up a few things. Thanks in advance!
I'm stuffed. I just ate a vegitarian philly cheese steak. Big deal man. Big.
The sky cleared up today. The brooding clouds are gone. Maybe because we outshone them, huh? Frequent readers would get that....
Anywho. It's nice and fluffy out there like a pastel blue moonwalk bouncy house thingy. I'm looking out the window now from the library, stealing glances as I type this with awesome amazing cooltastic speed. [Also as I answer text messages and prep for an online quiz I'm about to do].
Dr.K, my World Lit professor, is cooltastic too. He makes up his own words and I just enjoy his class to the max. Today we talked about Oedipus the King. Poor fellow. That's all I can say. If I get into that, it could become another blog in itself, on literary analysis. Which Dr. K is pretty darn good at if you ask me. And the people who gave him that Phd... so yeah!
Check out Oedipus though. It's a tradgedy, but [if you don't know the backstory] it's also a mystery. One of the oldest mysteries. It's well written and complexly entertaining. Thumbs up.

Who am I Ebert and Roper? Is that who they are... ? You know the movie critics... that how you say they're name? IDK. *shrug*
Blind vs. Blinded
Unfold my predestined hate
And wither the vine that
fed me
Gather the foul scent of late
that scatters tortured
Yearn for my fist and
wash off my hand
This is a moment
to define a land
A movement that stirs
every beast in it's corner
Every saint every sinner
And hidden mourner
When my sight stolen or
from myself I take
with golden brooches
these eyes do I rake
Henceforth in this state
no man can now find
the blinded I am
in my previous
Read Oedipus the King [Rex] and you will understand. No music today. Simply an analytical mind.
In closing, literature is a wonderful thing. And that my friends is an immense understatement and overgeneralization combined. In the future, I will be an author of great works. And you will all be glad to have known me here. No Hubris intended.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Alone Time: Happily
Today I spent some much needed alone time with myself. Just chillaxing under the staircase of the library [in a non creepy way: there is a sitting area there!] eating my snax and studying Chinese. It was cool beans. I mean I picked up one of those cute little picnic lunches like this
Everything was packaged but healthy and I felt good about myself. All alone. Just me. I said hi to some people, I mean I didnt' act like a leper, but I was just secure in myself and not afraid to be alone.

"Loneliness is not something to be ashamed of. It's just a place to start." -Sabrina
TRIVIA: Do you know who says that is this movie?
Did I mention that I was going on an Eat-Better? Well I am. I don't do diets. I never tried them and I don't intend to. If you want to join in with me and blog about what you eat, I will totally be up to it! I think I'll add another blog just for that! Wow. This blogging thing is getting really fun! Just wait until someone is actually reading them!
I know right!?
Messages in the Clouds
tip toe past my mind
in your slippery easy way
fit the pieces slowly
call the fiction to play
weave your stories
and your sweet wishes too
This your time in the
is a message to you
This is just how I felt today. You know I spend alot of time under the sky anyway [waiting at the bus stop]. So I'm always looking into the clouds. Today they seemed to be brooding in their own little area while the sun decided to shine no matter what. And that's me today. Shining no matter what!
Also, it reminds me of this. You should watch this movie. I love it.
In closing, I'd like to encourage you. Yes you, whoever you may be. Shine. Shine no matter what and let the clouds brood by themselves. Be yourself and don't wait for anybody else to tell you who that is. In the future, I will most likely refer back to this to encourage myself. Just being honest. *shrug*
Today I spent some much needed alone time with myself. Just chillaxing under the staircase of the library [in a non creepy way: there is a sitting area there!] eating my snax and studying Chinese. It was cool beans. I mean I picked up one of those cute little picnic lunches like this
![]() |
Minus the meat! There was hummus! :D |
Everything was packaged but healthy and I felt good about myself. All alone. Just me. I said hi to some people, I mean I didnt' act like a leper, but I was just secure in myself and not afraid to be alone.

"Loneliness is not something to be ashamed of. It's just a place to start." -Sabrina
TRIVIA: Do you know who says that is this movie?
Did I mention that I was going on an Eat-Better? Well I am. I don't do diets. I never tried them and I don't intend to. If you want to join in with me and blog about what you eat, I will totally be up to it! I think I'll add another blog just for that! Wow. This blogging thing is getting really fun! Just wait until someone is actually reading them!
I know right!?
Messages in the Clouds
tip toe past my mind
in your slippery easy way
fit the pieces slowly
call the fiction to play
weave your stories
and your sweet wishes too
This your time in the
is a message to you
This is just how I felt today. You know I spend alot of time under the sky anyway [waiting at the bus stop]. So I'm always looking into the clouds. Today they seemed to be brooding in their own little area while the sun decided to shine no matter what. And that's me today. Shining no matter what!
Also, it reminds me of this. You should watch this movie. I love it.
In closing, I'd like to encourage you. Yes you, whoever you may be. Shine. Shine no matter what and let the clouds brood by themselves. Be yourself and don't wait for anybody else to tell you who that is. In the future, I will most likely refer back to this to encourage myself. Just being honest. *shrug*
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Lunch-Endeavor Gone Awry
So, I planned to have a lunch with one of my friends from Dunwoody campus (Kahlia) of my college to catch up and just hang out. She looked up this too cute veggie asian "Noodle" place that was only ten minutes away. I was so psyched. So, off we go an hour before I have to start work. And we find a place called 'Noodle' but it's not the right one. So she grudginly pays for the stupidly overpriced parking and we set off using my stupid 'unsmart' phone's navigation. Too much freaking gas. Our stomachs start growling. And we get agitated. So we stopped halfway and went to Boston Market (has good sides) which we really didn't want, but we were so hungry beyon reason!!!
But you know.
Okay, so I'm pushing it and I have to get to Astronomy *YAWN* before 5:30.
Ten minutes to write a poem!!
Hunger is a bowl of Noodles
When you want to get something done
Make it up in your head that it will
So long that you won't be able to
it. Get a partner in crime so that you
get there together. No matter the
Should be obvious!!!
In closing, I am tired and in need of something sweet. In the future, I will get .... sugar.
So, I planned to have a lunch with one of my friends from Dunwoody campus (Kahlia) of my college to catch up and just hang out. She looked up this too cute veggie asian "Noodle" place that was only ten minutes away. I was so psyched. So, off we go an hour before I have to start work. And we find a place called 'Noodle' but it's not the right one. So she grudginly pays for the stupidly overpriced parking and we set off using my stupid 'unsmart' phone's navigation. Too much freaking gas. Our stomachs start growling. And we get agitated. So we stopped halfway and went to Boston Market (has good sides) which we really didn't want, but we were so hungry beyon reason!!!
But you know.
Okay, so I'm pushing it and I have to get to Astronomy *YAWN* before 5:30.
Ten minutes to write a poem!!
Hunger is a bowl of Noodles
When you want to get something done
Make it up in your head that it will
So long that you won't be able to
it. Get a partner in crime so that you
get there together. No matter the
Should be obvious!!!
In closing, I am tired and in need of something sweet. In the future, I will get .... sugar.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Wasted My Blasted Time
Don't you hate when you decide to give one of those stupid YOU'RE A WINNER! pop ups a chance and they take up half of your study and blog time before you have to go Zumba and shower and go home!?
I just freaking hate that!
Don't you hate when you decide to give one of those stupid YOU'RE A WINNER! pop ups a chance and they take up half of your study and blog time before you have to go Zumba and shower and go home!?
I just freaking hate that!
![]() |
And I'm gonna draw this later! Because it's cute! And I'm ANGRY! |
Frustration is a Circular Path
Climbing picking through
Vicious determination
Closer to where you began
and further from where you're going
And honestly you didn't
know where you were gonig
Although you invented
the pace and kept it slowing
Dropping the load and picking
it back up again
And here is the horizon
Just like the one
you left
behind you
And then
Here it
Is there a new sun to see?
Is there no new sky?
Is there a new lie?
No. It is always the same
and in this way you hit
the Start line
and again
and again and again and again and again and again and
until you fall on your face in the dust of
the end of this life
You wake from the soil
in the next
In closing. I now have to leave without having studied. And I am somewhat dissapointed. But there is always tonight. My sister has been gone* (spending the night over a friends) so I have the room to myself. Praise God. Maybe that will help. In the future.... well you can guess. There will be studying. And snacks.... preferably sweet....
Monday, September 19, 2011
What is this the Attack of the Exes!?
So. Once again. I'm walking towards Acting 2, five minutes to get to class. And who do I see coming down the path that I must turn onto other than my Ex from 11th grade year. (Upon request, I can elaborate on 11th grade year, ie. the worst year of my life). I don't say names. I only had more than one 'item' that year. But he was the one who made me feel less-than and unwanted. Whenever he wanted to kiss me he's want to hide behind a door or something, or on an abandoned hall or step outside. He didn't really want to be seen with me. So I let him go.
Imagine. I haven't seen this guy in (counting on my fingers) Almost friggin 5 years! He looks the same. He wants my number! He tries to hug me. I can't be that cold b#&$@ and leave him hanging, so I have to hug him back!
Can somebody say
AWKWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can. I can say awkward. And I did. As I stepped into the Fine Arts building after beating a hasty retreat from his side. What is this the attack of the EX's!!????
Gimme a break. Sigh.
SHOUT OUT TO MY TWO NEW FOLLOWERS AND REALLY GOOD COOL AWESOME FRIENDS: KHALIA AND TATIANA. Check out their blogs. Because they are awesome. People. So their blogs will be too.... :D
A Memory From Before the Spark of Life Touched You
Don't be a fool
What else could
this be for
But your demise
It can be sweet
It can be comfortable
for now
But in this life
There are those
Who want your end
More than the
dawn of a new age
Like the one that
takes us all now
Make your feet
march the right
beat and soar
in your mind
to the place that
you came from
that place where you
were before your
mother's womb and from
there you breached this
dreaded stream of
conciousness that we all
fail daily
Make swift the memory to fly
to your frontal lobes and
Know that this is the time
Stand and know
that it won't be long
You must be strong
for all those that cannot
When they took their first
I was looking back through my posts from August, and found the Cold War post. I listened to a series of her songs and they brought forth this! :D Also, right now as I type this I'm listneing to Pursuit of Happiness (Megaforce Version). Nice. I know.
In closing, I love this guitar solo!!! And I love this whole I'm too high to realize I'm having a mental breakdown theme of that video! Awesome. In the future, I am going to try to keep the poems long like this. Last friday I was feeling a little ill. So sorry bout that sorry excuse of a poem. Ahem. I shall do bettah. Also in the future, there will be gummy bears.And cheese crackers.
So long.
So. Once again. I'm walking towards Acting 2, five minutes to get to class. And who do I see coming down the path that I must turn onto other than my Ex from 11th grade year. (Upon request, I can elaborate on 11th grade year, ie. the worst year of my life). I don't say names. I only had more than one 'item' that year. But he was the one who made me feel less-than and unwanted. Whenever he wanted to kiss me he's want to hide behind a door or something, or on an abandoned hall or step outside. He didn't really want to be seen with me. So I let him go.
Imagine. I haven't seen this guy in (counting on my fingers) Almost friggin 5 years! He looks the same. He wants my number! He tries to hug me. I can't be that cold b#&$@ and leave him hanging, so I have to hug him back!
Can somebody say
AWKWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can. I can say awkward. And I did. As I stepped into the Fine Arts building after beating a hasty retreat from his side. What is this the attack of the EX's!!????
Gimme a break. Sigh.
SHOUT OUT TO MY TWO NEW FOLLOWERS AND REALLY GOOD COOL AWESOME FRIENDS: KHALIA AND TATIANA. Check out their blogs. Because they are awesome. People. So their blogs will be too.... :D
Random Thoughts |
- This word processor is pissing me off.
- I shouldn't have bought that coke zero.
- I'm tired and I really don't feel like working today.
- I want to move out of my parent's house.
- I'm sick of all the children.
- Make it stop.
- Slap them all. I say.
- I need a car.
- I wish I had ....
A Memory From Before the Spark of Life Touched You
Don't be a fool
What else could
this be for
But your demise
It can be sweet
It can be comfortable
for now
But in this life
There are those
Who want your end
More than the
dawn of a new age
Like the one that
takes us all now
Make your feet
march the right
beat and soar
in your mind
to the place that
you came from
that place where you
were before your
mother's womb and from
there you breached this
dreaded stream of
conciousness that we all
fail daily
Make swift the memory to fly
to your frontal lobes and
Know that this is the time
Stand and know
that it won't be long
You must be strong
for all those that cannot
When they took their first
I was looking back through my posts from August, and found the Cold War post. I listened to a series of her songs and they brought forth this! :D Also, right now as I type this I'm listneing to Pursuit of Happiness (Megaforce Version). Nice. I know.
In closing, I love this guitar solo!!! And I love this whole I'm too high to realize I'm having a mental breakdown theme of that video! Awesome. In the future, I am going to try to keep the poems long like this. Last friday I was feeling a little ill. So sorry bout that sorry excuse of a poem. Ahem. I shall do bettah. Also in the future, there will be gummy bears.
So long.
Friday, September 16, 2011
I just finished my weekly World Lit class. The essay test wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But it took a sizable effort to remain calm at the sight of the requirements versus the time alottment. But all was well in the end. I'm confident that I'll get a good grade. And guess what, though!? He didn't even collect or check for the freakin' draft of the essay that I friggin struggled over all week long. I was determined to have that thing typed and ready to hand in the night before! And I did. And he didn't even ask for it!
I just remembered what an amazing time I had last night at Wicked!
I don't know why I was expecting to see Kristen Chenoweth or Rachel's mom from Glee... sorry I didn't know her name by heart. That is not fair. One moment.
*Surf the Web, rather slowly*
Idina Menzel. I will never forget your name again.
And I'm so sad I didn't get to see you last night on stage, but your sub was great too! :D
The show was awesome, guys. I mean awesome. You should listen to this song now! Cuz it's friggin awesome!!!!
Very great love
Is never come by
lest your heart
can bear the
extent of it's
in all of it's
loving glory.
No time to wrap it up. I'm feeling a little ill. Idk why. That sucks.... :(
I hope I feel better before I clock out and I can come back and post a closing section and so on.
I just finished my weekly World Lit class. The essay test wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. But it took a sizable effort to remain calm at the sight of the requirements versus the time alottment. But all was well in the end. I'm confident that I'll get a good grade. And guess what, though!? He didn't even collect or check for the freakin' draft of the essay that I friggin struggled over all week long. I was determined to have that thing typed and ready to hand in the night before! And I did. And he didn't even ask for it!
I just remembered what an amazing time I had last night at Wicked!
I don't know why I was expecting to see Kristen Chenoweth or Rachel's mom from Glee... sorry I didn't know her name by heart. That is not fair. One moment.
*Surf the Web, rather slowly*
Idina Menzel. I will never forget your name again.
And I'm so sad I didn't get to see you last night on stage, but your sub was great too! :D
The show was awesome, guys. I mean awesome. You should listen to this song now! Cuz it's friggin awesome!!!!
Very great love
Is never come by
lest your heart
can bear the
extent of it's
in all of it's
loving glory.
No time to wrap it up. I'm feeling a little ill. Idk why. That sucks.... :(
I hope I feel better before I clock out and I can come back and post a closing section and so on.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
WICKED the musical


People are Crazy
So I'm walking from the Drama club meeting today, chatting it up with an Acting 2 classmate/buddy Maya, and I bump into my Ex [who shall remain nameless] from last fall. Can somebody say....
I'm not harboring any bad feelings so I acknowledge him.
Me: "Hey what are you doing here?"
And that's not rude, because he's not a theatre major, nor does he have any theatre (f buiding) classes. SO why is he in this building? Innocent question.
He: "Oh, hey. I was just walking a friend to class. Then I'm gonna.. take my car to the garage..."
Okkkaaay. I didn't ask about your car. But nice to know....
Me: "Oki Doki."
As I continue to walk after Maya toward the exit, clutching my bag.
He was like

Did I miss something?
Is there a camera over there?
He: "Oh, God, man you're funny. That's, that's funny. You have a good day."
Me: ....
I walked out with Maya. She told me he was cute, and I tried to hold down my bile. She laughed and I said he was a loon. She said oh okay, well he kissed that girl back there.
And in my mind I said, "God bless her soul..."
I mean he almost touched the ground trying to make it seem like he was buckling under the weight of my 'sense of humor'. Jeez. I swear, the day I said bye was should be a personal holiday. If I remembered what day it was....
yellow is out of
my league
and fear is too
purple is the depth
that is takes to reach you
green ain't vain but I been
told a thang
About gold
that it's bold and
flashy like
the bottom of my
A scar all pink
from healing
what made it think
it was hurt
And to think
that painting is an
art form
instead of a science
I was inspired by this because I was thinking of painting today. I didn't have much of a soundtrack to this spurt of genius. Just my own silly hummings I suppose.
In closing, I am very excited to be single. I am very happy to be me. In the future, I will make sure that I am happy, before anyone else is. ;)
So I'm walking from the Drama club meeting today, chatting it up with an Acting 2 classmate/buddy Maya, and I bump into my Ex [who shall remain nameless] from last fall. Can somebody say....
I'm not harboring any bad feelings so I acknowledge him.
Me: "Hey what are you doing here?"
And that's not rude, because he's not a theatre major, nor does he have any theatre (f buiding) classes. SO why is he in this building? Innocent question.
He: "Oh, hey. I was just walking a friend to class. Then I'm gonna.. take my car to the garage..."
Okkkaaay. I didn't ask about your car. But nice to know....
Me: "Oki Doki."
As I continue to walk after Maya toward the exit, clutching my bag.
He was like

Did I miss something?
Is there a camera over there?
He: "Oh, God, man you're funny. That's, that's funny. You have a good day."
Me: ....
I walked out with Maya. She told me he was cute, and I tried to hold down my bile. She laughed and I said he was a loon. She said oh okay, well he kissed that girl back there.
And in my mind I said, "God bless her soul..."
I mean he almost touched the ground trying to make it seem like he was buckling under the weight of my 'sense of humor'. Jeez. I swear, the day I said bye was should be a personal holiday. If I remembered what day it was....
yellow is out of
my league
and fear is too
purple is the depth
that is takes to reach you
green ain't vain but I been
told a thang
About gold
that it's bold and
flashy like
the bottom of my
A scar all pink
from healing
what made it think
it was hurt
And to think
that painting is an
art form
instead of a science
I was inspired by this because I was thinking of painting today. I didn't have much of a soundtrack to this spurt of genius. Just my own silly hummings I suppose.
In closing, I am very excited to be single. I am very happy to be me. In the future, I will make sure that I am happy, before anyone else is. ;)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Average Day
Today I feel... average. It's an average Tuesday afternoon. Just came from Chinese tutor session [class] (where I also enjoyed my chinese food leftovers for lunch) and am now writing my post. I'm always really happy when I come from that class because we end up watching funny videos at the end [once we've finished the lesson for the day]. Always fun.
But now I don't really see any big thing to write about now. You know, nothing standoutish. I know that's not a word...
In honor of this new ocassion (i.e. nothing to talk about) I will add a new section! YAY!
Okay, that's a sign to keep things moving. Gotta stay on task, that's what I gotta.
I want you
Your smile and
sweet talk
to me
this time
and the
to you
is where I
belong to
your heart
And forever more
than yesterday
and the day before
my lips meet
not a part
of my mind
but my soul
yearns for
a long time
we will
make time
for time
I was inspired by the way this song sounds. I forgot the translation, but I love it. The chorus I can sort of mouth a little but otherwise I've forgot the lyrics. It's obviously a love song though, can't you feel it!?
In closing, I hope you liked the new section. Trying to keep things interesting is turning into quite the task if you ask me. In the future, there will be less chinese food. And ZUMBA!!! Yay!
Qil xin
Today I feel... average. It's an average Tuesday afternoon. Just came from Chinese tutor session [class] (where I also enjoyed my chinese food leftovers for lunch) and am now writing my post. I'm always really happy when I come from that class because we end up watching funny videos at the end [once we've finished the lesson for the day]. Always fun.
But now I don't really see any big thing to write about now. You know, nothing standoutish. I know that's not a word...
In honor of this new ocassion (i.e. nothing to talk about) I will add a new section! YAY!
Random Thoughts |
- I like chinese food alot. Some say too much.
- I would like to date a chinese guy.
- He'd have to be tall though...
- I feel like I don't want a boyfriend though
- I forgot to get some desert.
- Snickers
- Twix
- Chocolate..... O.O
- This guy is weirding me out! (computer Lab)
- I want to get a nose ring
- My birthday is right around the corner.
- I am going to call the cops if he reaches past me again! OMG
- Okay he's gone
- I think I may have gas...
- Darn egg foo young.....
- Chocolate
- Gotta write this paper....
- Gotta memorize this monologue
- Gotta, gotta, gotta....
Okay, that's a sign to keep things moving. Gotta stay on task, that's what I gotta.
I want you
Your smile and
sweet talk
to me
this time
and the
to you
is where I
belong to
your heart
And forever more
than yesterday
and the day before
my lips meet
not a part
of my mind
but my soul
yearns for
a long time
we will
make time
for time
I was inspired by the way this song sounds. I forgot the translation, but I love it. The chorus I can sort of mouth a little but otherwise I've forgot the lyrics. It's obviously a love song though, can't you feel it!?
In closing, I hope you liked the new section. Trying to keep things interesting is turning into quite the task if you ask me. In the future, there will be less chinese food. And ZUMBA!!! Yay!
Qil xin
Monday, September 12, 2011
Melacholy (Rosa Ramen Noodles)
I was feeling a little melancholy. But now I'm not. I've got about 30 minutes before I start my workstudy. It's cool though, I'll probably be able to get my homework done on the job. Hopefully, anyway. I just had my crappy lunch. Yes, I said crappy. Rame noodles aren't my favorite to begin with, and I don't ever use the seasoning supplied. Ever. I always make my own sauce or season it with my own mix of spices.
So today I was stuck with weekend old Rosa sauce [a mix of alfredo and tomato sauce]. It's fine. I'm not complaining. But my stomach is. And my taste buds.....
Here's what I wish I had eaten today.... Um... let's see....
Oh... goodness this would have been divine....
But alas. I cannot do cheese anymore. I would be safer with something like... ohh.... say... this:

By the way these loverly pictures are supplied by some of my favorite blogs that I follow. Veganista and Grilled Cheese Social. The latter is sort of a masochistic deal isn't it?
I'm not
in your way
we can dance
that trance
through the fray
of thoughts
Feel me out
this is simple
put fist to pout
make a qick glimpse
Make it out
this is innocent
in this way
we can dance
we've found
this trance
above the fray
of thoughts
only the beat
only our feet
this right here
I was feeling a little melancholy. But now I'm not. I've got about 30 minutes before I start my workstudy. It's cool though, I'll probably be able to get my homework done on the job. Hopefully, anyway. I just had my crappy lunch. Yes, I said crappy. Rame noodles aren't my favorite to begin with, and I don't ever use the seasoning supplied. Ever. I always make my own sauce or season it with my own mix of spices.
So today I was stuck with weekend old Rosa sauce [a mix of alfredo and tomato sauce]. It's fine. I'm not complaining. But my stomach is. And my taste buds.....
Here's what I wish I had eaten today.... Um... let's see....
But alas. I cannot do cheese anymore. I would be safer with something like... ohh.... say... this:
This is it. Right here. Oh yes.
I'm not
in your way
we can dance
that trance
through the fray
of thoughts
Feel me out
this is simple
put fist to pout
make a qick glimpse
Make it out
this is innocent
in this way
we can dance
we've found
this trance
above the fray
of thoughts
only the beat
only our feet
this right here
I felt like hearing it. *shrug*
In closing, I want to say that I'm happy. To be alive. To be happy. To be able to keep up with this blog and keep all of you happy! Let's hope this mood lasts, huh? In the future I hope there is not depression.....
Tres Bien
Au Revoir
Friday, September 9, 2011
Overdrive and Overdraft
So I'm really excited. And really pissed off. I'm more excited, though. The 'pissed off' is more like a little gnat nipping around in the corner of my room... or mind. But the excitement is like... a big great new book with a great story smack dab in my lap!
I always tell people to give me the bad/moderate news first, then the good news. Because the good news usually makes it all better! :D
Bad/Annoying News:
My student debit card that all my financial aid monies are allocated to has been overdrafted. Wtf, you ask? So do I. Wtf indeed. Why not say, "Hmm I need to get myself together" ? Well because I didn't have anything to do with it!!! Some idiot vendor, who I probably shouldn't have shopped at, waited a bajillion years [three months: the last time I actively carried that card] to post the transaction!!! Stupid idiots, have my card overdrafted. I've never had an overdraft before. And now they're holding my financial aid until I can get the balance positive. I just want to slap the card.... if only those idiots who charged it late could feel that slap....
So I'm really excited. And really pissed off. I'm more excited, though. The 'pissed off' is more like a little gnat nipping around in the corner of my room... or mind. But the excitement is like... a big great new book with a great story smack dab in my lap!
I always tell people to give me the bad/moderate news first, then the good news. Because the good news usually makes it all better! :D
Bad/Annoying News:
My student debit card that all my financial aid monies are allocated to has been overdrafted. Wtf, you ask? So do I. Wtf indeed. Why not say, "Hmm I need to get myself together" ? Well because I didn't have anything to do with it!!! Some idiot vendor, who I probably shouldn't have shopped at, waited a bajillion years [three months: the last time I actively carried that card] to post the transaction!!! Stupid idiots, have my card overdrafted. I've never had an overdraft before. And now they're holding my financial aid until I can get the balance positive. I just want to slap the card.... if only those idiots who charged it late could feel that slap....
Another angry female student who just wants her financial aid money....
Good News:
World Lit. is da Bomb. Dr. K is da Bomb. So look I got a test on The Illiad and The Odyssey next Friday. Also I gotta start writing the first draft of my first essay which I chose to do on Pslams from the Old Testament of the Bible. [IKO! it's literature, too!] Also! no it never ends I have to start reading Oedipus the King before Friday. :D
So why am I not like freaking out by being driven into overdrive?
Because I love this stuff! I'm happy to be right in the thick of college literary work, no matter how cumbersome! I relish the words, the analyzation of the texts, the imagery, the tones, the metaphors! I love it all!
Okay, this is a dictionary. But you get the idea.
Run Like the Blind
Let these hands guide your step
help along your heavy feet
We know you've wept
There is a scent to freedom
this aroma of fresh kept
Keep up this seal
Those lids are useless
And feel
your way through this darkness
Violets will dance before you
And you won't see
Lilacs will adorn you
And you won't' see
But be not discouraged
The way you will soon find
Looks are decieving
So, run like the blind
A general feeling of happiness brought about his poem. I was feeling encouraged and wanted to encourage others. I know this poem is a bit of myself, so I can get the 'building up' feeling across. You know what I mean? Pandora was running behind my thoughts, so I can't really pinpoint the exact song that had an invisible hand, but it was my Jack Johnson station. If that helps at all.... :D
In closing, I am going to make a dent in my neverending reading schedule. First up is Psalms 8. God knows how to make you listen. Even if He has to use a college professor. In the future there will be inspiration.
Zai Jian
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Upgraded to Intern?
Today at my workstudy job at the dance studio, my supervisor asked me if I minded running to Starbucks [which is in the same strip mall as the studio; hence a 1 minute walk] to get her coffee and oatmeal. I was so excited. It felt like I was being promoted for some strange reason. I was all, "Yeah! Of course I can." She was super happy. But I know I should have used less time sniffing the yumminess in Starbucks and more time getting the studio clean before I had to make a run for the bus.
Chinese class went well today. I had a fight with my hunger right before class. My hunger lost. Well, my taste buds lost. My wallet won. I wanted to go to the Chinese place round the corner for the lunch special [so yummy] but I decided to stick to the ramen I had hiding in the employee refrigerator. *shrug* It was much more economical.
Not that you care about all that stuff!!
But I bet you do care about my new musical addiction, yes you do!
It's a great album cover too. Jack Johnson has the magic touch. Or sound. We've never actually met, so... Yeah, I'm gonna leave that alone before it gets awkward....
You can scratch the surface
But you will never know
It can be a measly purpose
And it can let my passion flow
If you say I'm not ok
You can see the tip
Of the bay
It's deep
Miles below
You could creep
And still be so
Far away
from the day
You will
The inspiration was from a couple of Lykke Li songs that I just heard today. I was listening to the lyrics earlier and found a small repeating pattern in the emotion of the music of both songs. This poem is a spinoff of the emotions in that song. I didn't even have a title, that's how convoluted the logic is here. But still... it's something.
In closing, I am getting PAID this weekend! Yes! Fun, yes. In the future....
There will be shopping.
Guten Tag
Today at my workstudy job at the dance studio, my supervisor asked me if I minded running to Starbucks [which is in the same strip mall as the studio; hence a 1 minute walk] to get her coffee and oatmeal. I was so excited. It felt like I was being promoted for some strange reason. I was all, "Yeah! Of course I can." She was super happy. But I know I should have used less time sniffing the yumminess in Starbucks and more time getting the studio clean before I had to make a run for the bus.
Chinese class went well today. I had a fight with my hunger right before class. My hunger lost. Well, my taste buds lost. My wallet won. I wanted to go to the Chinese place round the corner for the lunch special [so yummy] but I decided to stick to the ramen I had hiding in the employee refrigerator. *shrug* It was much more economical.
Not that you care about all that stuff!!
But I bet you do care about my new musical addiction, yes you do!
You can scratch the surface
But you will never know
It can be a measly purpose
And it can let my passion flow
If you say I'm not ok
You can see the tip
Of the bay
It's deep
Miles below
You could creep
And still be so
Far away
from the day
You will
The inspiration was from a couple of Lykke Li songs that I just heard today. I was listening to the lyrics earlier and found a small repeating pattern in the emotion of the music of both songs. This poem is a spinoff of the emotions in that song. I didn't even have a title, that's how convoluted the logic is here. But still... it's something.
In closing, I am getting PAID this weekend! Yes! Fun, yes. In the future....
There will be shopping.
Guten Tag
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Cheese Boycott
Yes. You heard right. I'm going to be boycotting cheese and all other vicious dairy products. It's for my own good. I think it (dairy) is just out to get me. I've labeled myself 'lactose intolerant' because of patterns detected in my digestive system. I just have to stop it altogether or else I'll subject myself to torment via delicious Hot N' Ready cheese pizzas....

No I didn't! Don't look at me like that!
They smelled so good, I couldn't resist!
This week my favorite song is Wu Yue Tian by S.H.E. It's approved by my chinese tutor, too! Now that's what I call hardcore studying. ;D
Pull it over
I hope they never find out
what they already know
this is the way to
figure the snow
wither the grow
of their minds
lessons learned' and
take the comprehension
Pull it over
Cover up the clues
The closest we come
to cohesion
with surface tension
A-B is the clear
point of reference
basically get the
to pull it over
Random I know.
In closing, I will try my best to stay off the cheese. Stick to the soy. Anyways. In the future you can expect Astronomy flash cards for a looming quiz....
Au Revoir
Yes. You heard right. I'm going to be boycotting cheese and all other vicious dairy products. It's for my own good. I think it (dairy) is just out to get me. I've labeled myself 'lactose intolerant' because of patterns detected in my digestive system. I just have to stop it altogether or else I'll subject myself to torment via delicious Hot N' Ready cheese pizzas....

No I didn't! Don't look at me like that!
They smelled so good, I couldn't resist!
This week my favorite song is Wu Yue Tian by S.H.E. It's approved by my chinese tutor, too! Now that's what I call hardcore studying. ;D
Pull it over
I hope they never find out
what they already know
this is the way to
figure the snow
wither the grow
of their minds
lessons learned' and
take the comprehension
Pull it over
Cover up the clues
The closest we come
to cohesion
with surface tension
A-B is the clear
point of reference
basically get the
to pull it over
In closing, I will try my best to stay off the cheese. Stick to the soy. Anyways. In the future you can expect Astronomy flash cards for a looming quiz....
Au Revoir
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Daria & Orange Chocolate
Yes, yes. I do know that I'm supposed to be studying my Chinese and my monologue for Acting 2 tommorow. Will you stop nagging? I know I'm not supposed to eat in the Library! Jeez. Leave it alone. This deep dark orange chocolate has been calling my name since 10:30 this morning. But my conscience wouldn't let me have it until I'd had my lunch. What orange chocolate, you ask?
This orange chocolate. To be precise.

Yes, yes. I do know that I'm supposed to be studying my Chinese and my monologue for Acting 2 tommorow. Will you stop nagging? I know I'm not supposed to eat in the Library! Jeez. Leave it alone. This deep dark orange chocolate has been calling my name since 10:30 this morning. But my conscience wouldn't let me have it until I'd had my lunch. What orange chocolate, you ask?
This orange chocolate. To be precise.

This delicious Yummyliciousness.
Setting right here in my lap. I have to resist the urge to purr "My precious...." to it. Besides it will be gone soon. Oh, no! I'm not eating it all now. I only take it out of the house in fourths anyway. You can't expect to eat more than half of this in one sitting. It's ODing on .... well... goodness.
Don't you worry. I will soon stop watching Daria and take my Astronomy iCollege quiz. Don't have a calf. Chill. I just can't stop. The little cool episodes are awesome. :D
I ablsolutely love that show and I just found the complete season box set at my library, so you know I gotta squeeze in some movie time! At least for breaks!!
Life Happens
Veto that last statement
This lame excuse
for a mouth
Just got me in
Nope. Can
you just kick rocks
or blow bubbles
this moment right
here kicks azz
and I wish you could
be here to kick with it
But just in case
you miss the rerun
Here's the Memo
"Life Happens".
Reason/ Inspiration
I was inspired by this moment I just had when I bit my tongue. I don't know how that happening and this random pile of words is supposed to mesh. But that's what got people. Deal with it. The 'whatever-take-it-or-leave-it' attitude came from Daria, of course. Tell me what you think.
In closing, I promise not to OD on orange chocolate. Even if it is organic. And I vow to get that stupid Astornomy quiz done. In the future there will be exercise. Oy.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Laborless Day !!
Have a great fun day of laziness and labor free frolicking!
Potent elixir of life
drown me in your
merry liquor
Wash me over
with your sparkling
Lets dance with
the sloshing liquid
full in our bellies
So we can
understand true
Bai Bai!
Have a great fun day of laziness and labor free frolicking!
Potent elixir of life
drown me in your
merry liquor
Wash me over
with your sparkling
Lets dance with
the sloshing liquid
full in our bellies
So we can
understand true
Bai Bai!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Gangster Poetry?
You, know I love Friday's. Because there is only one class, and I can do as I please after 11:45 am. I am still a bit foggy from the thick of the cold yesterday. But thank goodness it's going away. Today I feel like a thug. I don't know why....
I'm rockin' to songs like:
Shawty is a 10
Get Like Me
Drop it Low
My Chick Bad
Say Ah
All I do is Win
When normally like other stuff like:
This, that, and this. :D
I'm so happily full of yummy veggie food right now. Sigh.
So as you can imagine, I'm not feeling very poetic.
Sorry about that. Check back later tonight.
Zai Jian
You, know I love Friday's. Because there is only one class, and I can do as I please after 11:45 am. I am still a bit foggy from the thick of the cold yesterday. But thank goodness it's going away. Today I feel like a thug. I don't know why....
I'm rockin' to songs like:
Shawty is a 10
Get Like Me
Drop it Low
My Chick Bad
Say Ah
All I do is Win
When normally like other stuff like:
This, that, and this. :D
I'm so happily full of yummy veggie food right now. Sigh.
So as you can imagine, I'm not feeling very poetic.
Sorry about that. Check back later tonight.
Zai Jian
Thursday, September 1, 2011
%&# You, Cold/Sore Throat!!!
As you can tell from the title of this post. I did 'come down with something'. I hate it. I will not be posting a poem today. But hopefully I will make it up to you on tommorow.
Man, I must be really dedicated to even be vertical now....
In closing, Tylenol does not work. In the future, I will drink chamomile tea...... and munch spicy tofu.....
As you can tell from the title of this post. I did 'come down with something'. I hate it. I will not be posting a poem today. But hopefully I will make it up to you on tommorow.
Man, I must be really dedicated to even be vertical now....
In closing, Tylenol does not work. In the future, I will drink chamomile tea...... and munch spicy tofu.....
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