Friday, September 9, 2011

Overdrive and Overdraft


So I'm really excited. And really pissed off. I'm more excited, though. The 'pissed off' is more like a little gnat nipping around in the corner of my room... or mind. But the excitement is like... a big great new book with a great story smack dab in my lap!

I always tell people to give me the bad/moderate news first, then the good news. Because the good news usually makes it all better! :D

Bad/Annoying News:

My student debit card that all my financial aid monies are allocated to has been overdrafted. Wtf, you ask? So do I. Wtf indeed. Why not say, "Hmm I need to get myself together" ? Well because I didn't have anything to do with it!!! Some idiot vendor, who I probably shouldn't have shopped at, waited a bajillion years [three months: the last time I actively carried that card] to post the transaction!!! Stupid idiots, have my card overdrafted. I've never had an overdraft before. And now they're holding my financial aid until I can get the balance positive. I just want to slap the card.... if only those idiots who charged it late could feel that slap....

Another angry female student who just wants her financial aid money....

Good News:

World Lit. is da Bomb. Dr. K is da Bomb. So look I got a test on The Illiad and The Odyssey next Friday. Also I gotta start writing the first draft of my first essay which I chose to do on Pslams from the Old Testament of the Bible. [IKO! it's literature, too!] Also! no it never ends I have to start reading Oedipus the King before Friday. :D

So why am I not like freaking out by being driven into overdrive?

Because I love this stuff! I'm happy to be right in the thick of college literary work, no matter how cumbersome! I relish the words, the analyzation of the texts, the imagery, the tones, the metaphors! I love it all!

Okay, this is a dictionary. But you get the idea.

Run Like the Blind

Let these hands guide your step
help along  your heavy feet
We know you've wept
There is a scent to freedom
this aroma of fresh kept
Keep up this seal
Those lids are useless
And feel
your way through this darkness
Violets will dance before you
And you won't see
Lilacs will adorn you
And you won't' see
But be not discouraged
The way you will soon find
Looks are decieving
So, run like the blind


A general feeling of happiness brought about his poem. I was feeling encouraged and wanted to encourage others. I know this poem is a bit of myself, so I can get the 'building up' feeling across. You know what I mean? Pandora was running behind my thoughts, so I can't really pinpoint the exact song that had an invisible hand, but it was my Jack Johnson station. If that helps at all.... :D


In closing, I am going to make a dent in my neverending reading schedule. First up is Psalms 8. God knows how to make you listen. Even if He has to use a college professor. In the future there will be inspiration.


Zai Jian

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