Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cold War



Yesterday I discovered my new favorite artist of the month. I may incorporate that into this blog for variety. Hmm. Sparks! Yes. I will. Anyway, Janelle Monae. She's inspired me and I hope to one day have such an original, fresh, strong imbodiment of womanhood. She, to me, has dug below the surface of what we all have been scratching at: individuality, true, shameless, and proud individuality.

Now I don't have 'idols' or 'heroes' per se. I know that God is the only One I should look up to. But as far as a divine example set in front of you for the sake of your mental and emotional emancipation from society, Monae tops the list. In my opinion. Her music speaks volumes, her lyrics, and  her accompaniment. To say it has inspired me would be less than an understatement.

This video is encouraging. And a warning.

I don't want this blog to become a dump-spot for the worries, cares, stress of my day. So I won't let it become a monologue of what happened to me since I set foot out of my bed. I wouldn't want to read that. But I do want to you to be in the  know. Why else would you come to someone elses page if  you didn't want to experience something different? And that's what I am, so that's what I have to offer. So let's get working on that Individuality, huh?


In light of the inspired mood I'm in today, I will be doing a piece based on some mixed concepts from Janelle Monae's music.


is a place behind
the persona
that hides
all of our
And we are all gulity of the laces
that tie it
to the places
that conceal our mouth
and keep it out
of sight
And what fine eyes we have
Such seekers of peace
hidden by the speakers
that fleece
the people
of the treasures stored up for a rainy day
in hopes of the storms going away
the Mask
of pain
that conceals
the vain
thoughts of the
Yes We Are Small
But Woe To The Evil Ones Who Are Lower Than Low
they say
they know
and with lofty, dirt covered personas
dig their own graves
But the fools are those who are holier than thou
And the wiser
is the who
that keeps the vow


This poem just flew out of me. Like literally at 2:08 pm I just finished it to write this section here and I'm not sure what made me end up in the direction I went. Er... yeah. But I like it. Give me some feedback please!


I'm at work now [believe it or not] and I plan to leave early for a Bellydancing class at the Studio tonight at 7pm. So, I will most likely have news about how that goes tommorow. I'm so excited to be finally taking classes. That reminds me: I ought to put some more pictures on my Flickr so that it fills out and won't be so blank....

Also, if you have any suggestions on changing the layout or customizing the blog, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you so much my fellow Bloggers!


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