I bet none of you can figure out what language my post title is in. :D Kudos if you can. I am so excited because this year is my 21st birthday. I so ready to be able to do as I please. They say at 18 your an adult, but they are just teasing you. Sure you are able to spend your life in prison [be charged as an adult in court], or got to war and get killed [be drafted], but you can get a drink, can't go to certain clubs, can't even get into certain shows of local bands!
No, this is not a rant. Just sayin'.
Anyways I can't wait. I'm planning the whole thing out. I'll have two dinner parties, and there will def be drinking. ;)
Anyways I am jamming to my 'The Best of AR Rahman' music on my MP3 and I am in the best mood. I can't wait to get my nose ring so I can look like an Indian woman. I don't know why, but I love the way they dress, their style, poise, femeninity. It's beautiful.
But yes, I will be getting my nose pierced. And perhaps a small henna tattoo. Maybe. Nothing extensive. I'm so excited.
* * *
Today I feel inspired from the I Take the Pen Thrusday prompt. I wrote the short story response and I'll post it below. I think I may use the beginning for my poem... I don't know. Or in it... something....
Mighty Pen Entry:
“You don’t understand! I can’t! I can’t!”
The voice sounded desperate, full of vulnerability and apprehension. It echoed from behind the doors of Mr. Collins’ office. I stood, my feet glued to the carpet, outside of the doors. I was just supposed to deliver the tea and go back to my desk. He said bring the tea at 11:15 sharp. Whenever I’m late he scowls. So today I’m early…
And I can’t bring myself to open the door.
Just open the door! Give him the tea and be done with it. You won’t have to hear anymore. You won’t have to feel like you’re working for a monster. Even though you’ve been thinking that since you started working… Wait he’s talking again…
With haste I involuntarily stepped an inch closer, straining to hear.
“…. by tomorrow Mrs. Cummings, this is not a matter to discuss. It’s a matter of time. And you can be the judge of what is best.”
“Mr. Collins’ please…! Don’t be this way. Think of my children… My mother… It’s”
“It’s necessary Mrs. Cummings.”
This was my moment. I could take advantage of the silence, enter and disappear as if I hadn’t been eavesdropping…
She was sniffling. There was a shuffle. I looked at the small gap between the bottom of the door and the carpeted floor. A shadow of legs shifted slowly across the room.
“You will comply, Mrs. Cummings…” This was his agitated voice. “Or else, I will take the information I need by force. A procedure which will render you vegetable-like for the remaining years of you sorry insignificant life….”
The last words ended with a hiss. I could imagine his tall thin body stooping over her like a praying mantis over a larval grub.
There was some shuffling of fabric, the sound of a button. Her purse? Jacket?
Then the shadow of legs backing slowly away from where they’d just advanced.
“Wait… wait! Mrs. Cummings don’t!”
There was a blunt pop. Someone sat abruptly on the couch, the leather crumpling beneath their weight.
My heart was beating in my ears.
The door swung open. And in a whirl of perfume and red hair out came Mrs. Cummings. Her eyes locked on me in a dead stare. In her right hand was a sleek gun equipped with a silencer.
“Eavesdroppin’ are we Mrs. Beatrice?”
I need some more inspiration for this poem. I'll have a jog about the web. Be right back! ;D

I've got it! Avril Lavigne: Innocence. Beautiful song. Very inspiring.
Helpless Love
I need you now
don't move
stay right there
so i can hold on to it
the seconds
the moments
the security is my pillow
I'll never go, you have my heart
Feelings fly
in my heart
I sigh to know our lives will
for ever intertwine
for ever side by side
Oh, the bliss
and I'll make it last
I will make it last
Dreams have no grasp on our reality
it so sublime
Sweeeet Love
we'll stand side by side
I really love Avril and I hadn't heard that song in a long time. You can listen here. Anyway. It's nice, sweet. Like a state of reverie. I like it. How about you? Feedback! :D
It's about that time, or so my rumbling tummy says. Lunch break! Whooo! I'll catch you all later. In the future you seriously expect me to talk about food more often! :D
Hasta La Vista.
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