Monday, August 15, 2011

The New Deal...


No, not the New Deal of the 1930s! Silly. I mean the new deal that I have to implement now because I have failed to comply with the standards I set in my first post: the main point being that I make a post every day. I do have internet at home, but I can't find the time to hook up all the necessary parts to get online just to make one post.

It shouldn't be this difficult you say. I say, yes, yes you are right. But you see in my house there is one computer. My laptop. And we have the kind of internet that you hook up by adapter cord. Simple plug up the cord right? No. My screen is cracked beyond visibility.

SO I have to use a monitor to see what I'm doing. Which means that whenever I want to use my own computer I have to lug a big a** monitor into my room from where the last person used it and hook up my laptop and beg for the internet. Writing it down may make it seem miniscule... but it aint. Especially when you're trying to soak up the last few hours of sleep on one of the rare days you get to sleep in....

So yeah.

I lieu of all this, I have decided to put new rules down.

1) I will publish one post per day on Monday through Friday. I'm not saying I will never post on the Weekend, but don't expect it. It's to cover my own lazines... :P
2) I will sometimes only publish a poem without any Greetings, Intro, or Reason. Not to seem rude but with school starting, I may most likely be in a rush. :D


I just bought a new book; "The Mind of Your Story: discover what drives your fiction" by Lisa Lenard-Cook. It seems promising. I've just started about an hour ago and it reads like a novel almost. Not in writing style, but the way I normally gobble down novels. Like that. So I thought maybe I'd use some of the pointers I've gotten from her thus far to inspire my poetry. After all fiction and poetry are cousins...


Mr. Alderman

Mr. Alderman is a quaint fellow
In retrospect
from past times
 I've found him quite estranged

Myself being so low
In stature
that my simple words
were thought derranged

His grandiose air
In light of things
understood now
Sets him inpart with others

They all seem so fair
In archaic valour
of their own cause
 And with their foul disloyalty

The weakman he smothers.

Reason/ Inspiration

Like I said I tried to use my fictional powers that be to churn a story within this poem. All I really got so far in my opinion was a character sketch. LOL. This poem totally reminds me of Nicholas Nickelby. I loved that movie when it came out. Made me want to day dream about the English countryside.

Closing/ Future

Tuesday is going to be soooo busy. But I'm sure I'll have time for a post. The running about will commence after five. Me and my school buddies are going out to the last rave of the summer. It's melancholy to think of it as the last. But I'm going to have so much fun, I already know.

No, I'm not a 'regular raver' but I've gone to a few this summer. It's not what I thought it would be, but still cool. I keep my distance from drugs, don't get me wrong. And I don't exactly have access to liquor until November...! {still very excited} So, I'm not acting like a crazed, drunken, high nut-ball. But I do let loose and act like I'm having a good time. I'm going to miss it. Here's another video in honor of the last of my raving days in 2011.

With a fitting background... :D GLOW STICKSS!! WHOOOO!

Auf Weidersehen.

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