Monday, August 29, 2011

Macbeth & Me


I know I'm much too young to have met The Bard, (or the fictitious character of his creation: MB). But believe it or not I have developed a special bond with both of them over the years. We've gone through valley and over mountain. Tears, smiles. Happiness, sorrow....

It all began my freshman year in a cozy suburban high school when my favorite English teacher Mrs. K said that we would be reading Shakespeare. My first reaction was:

OMG that's not even english!

It will be so hard to read! I will never understand it. But she calmly coaxed me down from the ceiling where I'd been clinging and presuaded me to give it a try. We started off with R+J, of course.


I loved it. It wasn't what my palate was used to, but it wasn't hard. I relished being the only one who could do it so well, too. I tried flourishes and accents that no one else in the class could do. 

When I went to 10th grade


I got hit with the next level of The Bard. Macbeth. And I was seriously like

Wait.... What?

How am I supposed to say this? Isn't there supposed to be another word there? What is this madness!!! But I caught on quickly. After that, I tried out for out school's version of A Midsummer's Night Dream. That nearly took out a fuze. Just trying to understand it. But I survived.

Then now. My second year of college. It is the revival of Macbeth! Well for me anyway.

I have to do a monologue for Acting 2 from guess what play by the Master Bard himself: you got it MB.

And guess who yours truly is reading for?

Oh, yes. Lady MB herself. Not in the flesh.... because she killed herself... but ... I'm getting ahead of myself.

If you're a beginner on the works of The Bard, I reccomend starting with R+J. It won't be completely easy, but at least you won't be all....

So yeah. Take it easy with that 'Ye Olde English'....


Oh, yeah. Bad news: I didn't get a callback. I know


But it's okay. I'm not crying. Good news is: I did get referred to the Assistant Stage Manager position by the Director/Advisor of the Theatre Department!! 


But yeah. Isi mein life.


Let's try some of that good 'Olde' English shall we? And let's just throw in some pentameter for fun!

Prithee my sweet  Wilt thou henceforth deny
Mine heart it's tender respite
Naught canst relieve me of thine image
Wavering as it dost in the cockles of
Fantasies past. Whither thou hath gone
I hath followed thee
In mine own eyes ye were likened unto
A goddess, far fairer than mere woman
Canst be described
Tarry not in my thoughts, I beseech thee
Yet in thy fullsome state go thither unto
Another that thy may trow to wax in his sight
All the more.

Reason/ Inspiration

Clearly I was inspired by The Bard today. And I have no specific reason for writing this other than that I have promised you a poem a day* and I didn't want you bored breathless with the same olde nonesense.

Closing/ Future

In closing, I am quite tired and I trow that I may take a nap on the couch thither that I may be restored unto my fullsome state. In the future, I will be king. Say the three weird sisters.


1 comment:

  1. * only on the weekdays. And that is still iffy as well. :D


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