Thursday, August 11, 2011

Film Maker


I should add it to my interests, but I afraid someone will ask if I've actually done it. And then I'd be unveiled as an imposter. I'm talking about film. Making short films for fun, music videos, toons. That's what I plan to do soon. Make movies, that is. And I'm eager to get started.

I only started thinking about this because of my constant preoccupation with YouTube aspiring filmmakers[and my gut wrenching boredom]. They are so cool! I want to be one of them. Here's one of my all time faves by a guy named Edd with a channel called 'Eddsworld'.

I like Edd; he's hilarious.

Continue to check out his channel by clicking the here. 'Tis cool.

But yeah. Now I'm all into searching for new filmmakers to support and rave about. Comedy is my favorite, but I have  yet to see anything other than comedy from beginners. I'd love to see anything you have to suggest. Let me know!


This poem is about being bored. Which happens to be the reason why I'm so caught up with YouTube right now. Some of us need school. Or else we'll be left to wreak havoc..... [on our minds...]

Brain Jell O

There are lines in my hands
they are brown
My eyes are brown
There are five windows open
And ten minutes left
before I clock out
Can some one save me
because I think
give out....

Reason/ Inspiration

And it's short and sweet. But sometimes that's all it takes. I accept it for what it is without actually liking it? I'm sorry for having to put you through this. But that's happens when you hold yourself to random [slightly dumb] ideas for a span of 3 months. God I hope I make it that far.

Closing/ Future?

I'm sorry for having nothing for you but a poem about boredom today. Who know? Maybe tommorow will be better. No dance classes tonight. So no sleep deprivation. But I will be getting my phone turned back on! YAY! I still feel bad about the poem. So here's a video and link to another cool film artist I found today! :D


The whole series thus far is quite funny. I already have a few favorite characters. J being number one of course. Check out their website!

Ciao bloggers.

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