I am extremely tired, but I refuse to use that as an excuse to finish this post. I'm also extremely hungry. But I'm trying to wait until the latest lunch time to eat because I will be here soooo long! And it's hard to do when I'm reviewing the current posts for the Blogs that I'm following and all of them are vegan cooks. Allll of them have exquisite photos of delectable food that make my mouth water and my stomach churn with anticipation for the leftover Chinese food I have stored in the refrigerator....
Today falls right at the precipice of Southern summertime, teetering on the edge of the early August back to school season. The heat is far past palpable, so much so it has a flavor. Something like roasted almonds. Oh, goodness there I go with food again!
I was up kind of late so it almost hurt to wake up this morning. I had to stare at the ceiling for a good five minutes (during which I was floating between states of sweet delicious sleep and draining coherency) before I could muster the will to pull a leg out of the covers.
Remember I told you that I had a Belly dance class scheduled for yesterday evening. I thought it was for 7pm. Turned out it was for 8. That wasn't bad news for my arrival, but it was for my departure which didn't happen until 9:30, which got me home at 10:55 ish, which got me in BED at .... oh say.... midnight.
I know what you're thinking. "Grow up!" College students should be used to sleep deprivation, they should thrive on it! Right? Wrong. I need sleep. But there seems to be so much to do, so much I want to do, and not enough time to rest up for it. Ugh.
Anyway the class was amazing. Uh. Ma. Zing. The teacher has such a pretty curvy figure, it made me proud that I hadn’t sawed away all of my curves with sit-ups and cardio last semester. (Even though I did saw a significant amount away…. =). The usual teacher, or the one whose name is listed when I signed up, wasn’t available. The ‘sub’ was named Alex. She taught us an Egyptian style drum solo. It was soooo coolllll! I felt so exotic and empowered. Next time I must remember to bring my Zumba skirt so I make noise when I move.

Okay, I couldn't take it anymore. I went to heat up my lunch and ate it in ten minutes. I know that's not healthy to eat so fast.... but I couldn't help it!
Stomach: Ahhhhhh! Now that's better. :D
Now I can write in peace.
I do not know what I am going to write. My mind is blank. Maybe it's all that food my body is trying to digest....
This is what I'm listening to as I write.
make me want to be a
worm beneath your feet
and then i can love you
the way you want me toooooooo
be unto me what you are unto the sky
and soooooooooreeeee
Melded into my soul
your smouldering
Give me the torch and I willllll run
with it
Get up, up up with me and I will stand
Only in these lives are we intertwined
I'll give you this one
Only this one
No I won't bleed no I won't bleed
for you
Won't shed a bloody tear
But we are yes we are yes we are
Move inside me and vibrate all your needs
I'll feel them and satiate your thirst
I am not your Dirigible
But I'm addicted
Please don't take my life away
No Voooodooo no
Mask your sin
Bask in the sin
And reel me in
on this
Well clearly the song was my inspiration. I wasn't watching the video as I wrote, but I know the sights by heart already. I love this song. It's not to be read, but hummed sort of, not really sung. And not to the tune of this song either. I wasn't even looking at the screen as I wrote this! I just .... like my hands were moving fifty miles per hour! But yes, I like it. What do you think? Any good?
Closing/ Future?
I really enjoyed this experiment. It was totally spur of the moment! Now I'm going back to YouTube to hear some more Janelle Monae. I'm sitll so excited I found her. In the future you can definitely expect me to give you some short stories and excerpts. Oh, just earlier today I commented on Krista's Blog prompt Wendesday post with a quick little piece.
Here it is:
Walking in from the garden I cringed at the sight I knew would await me. It's the Godforsaken bottle that'll be his demise. I take it from his drooping hand and meet his lidded gaze.
"Father..." I began.
But there was a knock at the door. I tensed, Father remained motionless.
"A message from the King!" called a deep, curt voice from the other side of our wooden threshold.
I stepped outside and retrieved a scroll from the outstretched hand of a tired, bedraggled, but hulking soldier. Behind him, not a few hundred feet were the rest of his company, some on horseback, most on foot. As I stepped back inside, closing the door behind me I broke the seal and unrolled it.
You are hereby summoned for service…
I knew the rest. A chill ran down my spine …
Suddenly, Father was standing up. He knew as well as I what this was about, what had to come next. He finally made it to a standing position and puffed out his chest. He stepped forward and his weight shifted unexpectedly causing him to stumble. I rushed forward and held him up. He sagged in my arms. I did not realize I was crying until my own tear fell on his upturned face. Our eyes met.
“Bring me my axe…”
“Father, you cannot! It is a death sentence…”
“We must fight for our country… for this land. Valerie, I did try…” On the last word his voice faded away, nostalgic.
“I know Father. I know.”
"Father..." I began.
But there was a knock at the door. I tensed, Father remained motionless.
"A message from the King!" called a deep, curt voice from the other side of our wooden threshold.
I stepped outside and retrieved a scroll from the outstretched hand of a tired, bedraggled, but hulking soldier. Behind him, not a few hundred feet were the rest of his company, some on horseback, most on foot. As I stepped back inside, closing the door behind me I broke the seal and unrolled it.
You are hereby summoned for service…
I knew the rest. A chill ran down my spine …
Suddenly, Father was standing up. He knew as well as I what this was about, what had to come next. He finally made it to a standing position and puffed out his chest. He stepped forward and his weight shifted unexpectedly causing him to stumble. I rushed forward and held him up. He sagged in my arms. I did not realize I was crying until my own tear fell on his upturned face. Our eyes met.
“Bring me my axe…”
“Father, you cannot! It is a death sentence…”
“We must fight for our country… for this land. Valerie, I did try…” On the last word his voice faded away, nostalgic.
“I know Father. I know.”
I liked that too. That was fun. Shout out to my first follower: Krista @ I Take the Pen!
God Bless you girl!
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