Monday, February 20, 2012

Beef and Dosh?


So, I've got beef. Not that kind, you know the kind where you have an issue with someone...

I don't know how someone coined that phrase. And then it just took off...?

Maybe one day somebody had a really good corned beef sandwich and somebody stole it from them and they started fighting. And so now whenever someone has a problem with somebody else they go "Oh, you got beef?"
Maybe that's what happened, huh?

But anyways. I have a 'peev. I work as a secretary temp for a program at my school, right? Right. So I'm sitting at this desk that I have to sit at, and everyone who comes in the office has to go by me first. So I see everybody. Just to be clear. And not only when they come in... because there's only one entrance/exit. I see them coming in and going out. It's like almost annoying... but then it gets pushed over the line when somebody

won't name names....

Stays to keep talking to you. They find something to say, some conversation to start, some dumb question to ask so they can tarry at the desk a little longer than the average normal person. I don't dislike most of these weirdos. Some of them are funny and endearing, and then some of them just annoy the heck out of me.

And then it comes down to the flirts. It's so hard to keep a straight face sometimes. I just have to pretend I'm apart of the conversation and not laughing beneath my breath, and rolling on the floor cracking up in my mind.

Little subtle things, like comments and questions....

Sometimes it all just leaves me wondering how people see me. Do I really look stupid? Or gullible? Do I look like I'd fall for the next klutz to walk in the office.... ? Really. Honestly people. I don't know. Sometimes I just don't know.

Amongst some of the verbal fodder is:

"dosh..."   wtf?

I tried not to over think it... I  forgot the context in which the person used it....
But I couldn't stop laughing.

I try to be quietly intelligent. You know, like the kind of person that's only smart if you ask them a question. Otherwise, they're just quiet. And pretty. Like me.


I've got no poetry for you :( Sadly. But I am happy to say that I've found a new artist who has blown my frickin' mind. He's not new, but he's new to my ears. And my sister will probably take credit for him in my musical life, but who cares. He awesome. He's kinda cute too...

Donald Glover A.K.A. Childish Gambino

Sit back relax and let him blow your mind as well. ;)

Zai Jian


From some of his lyrics I can tell that this guy probably has an Asian fetish. And in my mind I'm like, "I look blackanese..."

Why did that just come to my mind. lol.


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