I have been all over this blessed city of Decatur taking care of 'grown people' business. I was up at the arse crack of dawn in order to get the station at 6am. Yes, yes you read right, no typo. I ARRIVED at 6AM. -.- Yes and those were my eyes. But I made it to my destination in good condition aka conscious. Wanna know where I went???
Do ya? Do ya Do ya??

I went to the Department of Driver Services
ANNNDDDD (drumroll please!)
I got my DRIVERS PERMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I know right!? I can't believe it. I passed the tests and got my permit, now all I have to do is schedule an actual behind the wheel test and I'll have my friggin license!! Aufgh...This is mind blowing. Like, seriously you guys have nooo idea how long I've been waiting for this. I neeeeedddd this. And I'm going to get it.
In other news, I am hungry. And for some inexplicable reason, my left arm aches like the dickens. And I cannot figure out why. Also! I am practicing bellydancing for exercise in my home! Yay me! :D
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