Tuesday, November 15, 2011



I am here in the library, cracking up beyond control, fearing the librarians at every turn because of my volume. But I don't care. I'm hanging out with my little brother today. Only one class. Life is sweet. But alas. Still so much to do.

But let it be known that today, right now, at 7:46pm, I am exceptionally happy. And hurting from laughing so hard. It's actually not painful! :D


This older guy just came towards me and said,

"Excuse me, guys, but this is a quiet area. There are areas where what you're doing is absolutely fine...."

I can tell he was holding the comment in like last nights week old mexican food in his bowels. But still I couldn't really make myself care. The only reason I'm silent now is because I havne't found something frivolous to crack up about yet. Which I'm sure won't last long....


LSHTMSFOAIDMT: laughing so hard that my sombrero falls off and I drop my taco....

If I had either of those things.



Roses are red
violets are blue
try not to fart
when i tickle you....


A sense of humor. Or lack thereof....


In closing, I hope we don't get kicked out. In the future, I will laugh like this again.

Au Revoir

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